VTD-XML: The Future of XML Processing

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3. Navigate VTD

After parsing, VTDNav has two views of VTD tokens: flat and hierarchical.

  1. Flat view: In this view, one is able to access individual VTD records one after the other. Because a VTD record is stored in array-like buffers, it is addressable using an integer. As a result of this design, many member methods, e.g. getTokenLength, matchTokenString, takes the VTD index as the input. The following code snippet will print out token types, length and offset of every VTD records.

    // Assuming parsing is successful
    // vn is an instance of VTDNav
    int size = vn.getTokenCount();

    for (int i= 0;i<size;i++)
        System.out.println("token count => "+i);
        System.out.println("token type =>" + vn.getTokenType(i));
        System.out.println("token offset => "+ vn.getTokenOffset(i));
        System.out.println("token length => "+ vn.getTokenLength(i));


  2. Cursor-based hierarchical view: In this view, one navigates the cursor across the hierarchy. However, one should notice that this hierarchy is for elements only; in other words, in our processing, we only consider elements as part of the hierarchy, and treats text node, CDATA and attributes as belongings of an element. Also there is one and only one global cursor available. Duplicate of this cursor is disallowed. To record the position of a cursor, one can either save the VTD index value or push the cursor value into a global stack, and later pop it back. The following code snippet navigates a very simple XML document and prints out value of interest.

    /* Sample XML
    <firstname> Charley </firstname>
    <lastname> Wang </lastname>
    <PhoneNumber location="home"> 100-100-100 </PhoneNumber>

    // After parsing, the cursor is always at the root element

    try {
    if (vn.matchElement("contact")) // test the element name of the root
    //Get first child element of the name "firstname"
    if (vn.toElement(VTDNav.FIRST_CHILD,"firstname"))
       int t = vn.getText();
       if (t!=-1) //test to see if the element has text node or not
           System.out.println(" first name ==> "+ vn.toString(t));

       // navigate to element "PhoneNumber"
       if (vn.toElement(VTDNav.NEXT_CHILD,"PhoneNumber"))
            int a = vn.getAttrVal("location");
            int t = vn.getText();
            if (a!=-1 || t!= -1)
                 System.out.println(" Phone number @"+ vn.toNormalizedString(a)
                       + " is ==> " + vn.toNormalizedString(t));}
    catch (NavException e){ // handle errors h


    In the example shown above, the user moves the cursor manually across the element hierarchy. The other mode of navigation is by using "AutoPilot." The example below shows how to perform a depth-first document order node iteration. During the iteration, if one moves the cursor for any reason, he must make sure that he moves the cursor back before the next iteration. This is because VTDNav only have one global cursor, and when the cursor changes position, it doesn't know (or care) whether it is moved manually or by AutoPilot.

    // assume vn is already available
    ry {
        AutoPilot ap = new AutoPilot(vn); // ap is going to move the cursor
        ap.selectElement("*"); // select every element (* matches all strings)
        while( ap.iterate() ) // iterate will iterate thru all elements
    // put processing logic here
           System.out.println("Element name ==> " + vn.toString(vn.getCurrentIndex()));
           int t = vn.getText();
           if (t!=-1)
              System.out.println("Text content ==> " + vn.toNormalizedStr

              // make sure that the cursor position entering the loop is the same
              // as the position exiting the loop
              // One way to do is use teh combination of vn.push() and vn.pop()
              // The other is to manually move the cursor back into the original place

    // reset the cursor to point to the root element
    } catch ( PilotException e){
         // handle exception here
    } catch ( NavException e){
         // handle exception here

VTD in 30 seconds

VTD+XML Format

User's Guide

  0. Introduction

  1. Goal and Features   

  2. How to process XML

  3. Navigate VTD

  4.Classes/Interfaces and Methods

  5. Comparison with DOM, SAX, and Pull

 6. Table for Token Types

 7. The C version VTD-XML

Developer's Guide

VTD: A Technical Perspective

Code Samples


Getting Involved

Articles and Presentations


